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Garfield County honors public health’s dedication

Board of County Commissioners thanks staff for hard work during pandemic

PRESS RELEASE December 22, 2020

The tireless efforts of the Garfield County Public Health Department to protect the safety and well-being of the citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic were officially recognized by the Board of County Commissioners on Monday.

In a resolution, the commissioners noted that the entire county has been fortunate for the department’s dedication and professionalism in face of this unprecedented medical crisis.

“Whereas, the Garfield County Public Health Department knows that no amount of words can truly express the depth of our thankfulness to all the personnel who have performed above and beyond the call of duty during this COVID-19 crisis,” the resolution states. “Therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of County Commissioners recognizes and truly appreciates the service of the employees of the Public Health Department and expresses its profound thanks to each and every member.”

“This is to show our appreciation to all of public health and the mission they serve,” said Commissioner John Martin. “This is well deserved, and a lot of folks have gone unrecognized for all they have done while under a lot of pressure and severe scrutiny and they’ve done a great job. This is a small token of our appreciation and it is truly heartfelt.” .

Commissioner Mike Samson said the actions of public health are yet another example of the good people of Garfield County giving their best to safeguard the health and safety of the citizens.

“We’re in troubled times as a world, nation, state and community,” he added. “We, as commissioners, want to recognize the folks that have gone above and beyond the call of duty and responsibility while working countless hours.”

The resolution passed unanimously. It can be read in its entirety at