Agricultural land leases available at the Rifle Garfield County Airport.

Agricultural land lease available

December 12, 2011

The Garfield County Regional Airport is making available to the public approximately 48 acres of fenced ground for a five-year agricultural land lease. The lease premises is located on the southeast corner of airport property along Mamm Creek Road, one mile south of I-70, Exit 94. Interested parties may obtain a bid packet from at right, or may make arrangements to pick up a packet from the airport administration office by calling 970-625-1091.

This property is available for self-guided inspection from Monday, December 12 through Friday, December 23, 2011. Sealed bids are due at the Airport Administration Office by 3 pm on Wednesday, December 28, and will be opened at that time. The Airport Director intends to submit the highest qualified bidder to the Board of County Commissioners for lease approval on Tuesday, January 3, 2012. The Airport Director may reclassify this lease from agricultural to another type of lease as deemed expedient and conducive to the best interest of Garfield County and the airport.