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Pictured here are: K-9 Deputy Worley; Loyal Knight Yvonne Kile, with her grandson Isaiah Stewart; Exalted Ruler Pam Bishop; Sergeant Brent Baker; Secretary Russ Guerette, with his wife Connie; as well as K-9 Deputy Korthals.

Rifle Elks provide grant for the sheriff’s office

December 14, 2021

The Rifle Elks Lodge # 2195 has presented a check for $1,167 to Sergeant Brent Baker with the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office. The check was a part of a grant that the Elks were able to secure for Colorado River Fire, the Rifle Police Department, and the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office.

The Elks, both locally and nationally, realize the additional burdens and expenses that the COVID-19 pandemic has put on the sheriff’s office, as well as other first responders. These funds are to be used by the sheriff’s office to help defray some of those costs and better serve the residents of Garfield County.

Sheriff Lou Vallario and the employees of the sheriff’s office appreciate the tremendous support we receive from our residents and many of the civic and fraternal organizations in Garfield County. Our sincerest thanks to the members of the Rifle Elks Lodge who saw fit to include the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office as one of the recipients of this grant.

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