Public Health offers COVID-19 vaccine mini-grants

September 20, 2021

To promote vaccination and protect residents locally, Garfield County Public Health (GCPH) announces and is accepting applications for a new COVID-19 vaccine mini-grant program.

A total of ten mini-grants, ranging from $500 to $2,500 will be awarded in a selection process held by Garfield County Public Health. Mini-grants will be awarded to projects that conduct activities or events that encourage youth, ages 12 to 17, and their caregivers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The mini-grant program is being offered based on grant funding from the Caring for Colorado Foundation.

The application process opens on September 20 and closes on October 11. Applications are located on the Garfield County Public Health website and should be submitted electronically. Successful grantees will be notified on Monday, October 18 and all projects must be completed by December 13, 2021.

In addition to focusing on increasing vaccination rates, the mini-grants offer an additional benefit. Only part of the awarded funding needs to be used on COVID-19 vaccination efforts. The other portion can be used on non-vaccine-related project expenses the applicant would like to cover.

“The exciting thing about the mini-grants is the funding can be used for both the vaccine promotion activity and to cover the cost of something unrelated. For example, a cooking club may want to host a vaccine information night, but also needs baking supplies for their club. Funds can be used to host the vaccine event and to buy supplies for future use,” said Dana Wood, Garfield County Public Health Specialist.

The COVID-19 vaccination mini-grant program is open to applicants serving youth ages 12 to 17 and their families. Middle or high schools, youth-serving non-profit agencies, religious organizations, festival or event coordinators, or other community groups of youth are welcome to apply.

Garfield County Public Health is committed to ensuring equitable access for children and youth to receive COVID-19 vaccines. Equity in information and vaccine access is a cornerstone for reduced transmission of the COVID-19 virus.