Garfield County recycling center near Rifle.

Garfield County Recycling Center in Rifle closed

No timeframe for when the center will reopen after hazardous waste discovered

March 11, 2020

The Garfield County Recycling Center along Highway 6 in Rifle is closed until further notice, following the discovery of biohazardous waste that was illegally dumped at the site. Rather than risk exposure to the public, the county decided the safest way forward was to close the facility.

The county is actively working with Waste Management, which manages recycling at the site. Previously, illegally dumped medical waste had been discovered at the Recycling Center, and increased signage was placed notifying the public that it is illegal to dump that waste at the site. After the discovery of more biohazardous waste, it was decided that center would close. The site is operated in conjunction with the city of Rifle per an intergovernmental agreement, which notes that no hazardous materials may be placed at the recycling center.

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