Onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS)
(Historically known as ‘septic systems’)
All new and repaired wastewater treatment systems in Garfield County need to be designed and installed based on Garfield County OWTS regulations.
OWTS permit
Submit an application
Permit applications may be submitted by email or in person to:
Garfield County Public Health
2014 Blake Ave.
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
(970) 625-5200, ext. 8150
Permit applications may also be picked up and turned in to:
Garfield County Community Development
108 8th St., Suite 401
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
(970) 945-8212
Permit fees
Septic Permit for a new installation $600.00
Septic Permit for a major repair (new system or STA) $600.00
Septic Permit for a minor repair (new tank only) $200.00
Septic Permit for a system alteration $200.00
Septic Permit for a vault and haul system $75.00
OWTS rules and regulations
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environmental (CDPHE), through the authority of the Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Act, oversees the adoption and enforcement of the OWTS rules and regulations.
Rulemaking process and CDPHE oversight