Workender program
Garfield County Community Corrections Facility
0244 County Road, 333A
Rifle, CO 81650
970-625-0334, ext 4408
Workender Officers: OFC Soles and OFC Haroutunian
Workender Program
Summary: Offenders must complete two days per week (minimum) as an alternative to jail time. Offenders meet at 7:15 am to complete assigned tasks for the day. Court must issue a sentencing order authorizing the Workender Program. Probation may use the program as an intermediate sanction tool.
Fee: $20 per day, paid by the offender
Workers are required to pay each $20 day they serve in the program. The community supervision officers collect this fee each day. If you are unable to pay, talk to the staff. No client will be allowed to incur an accounts receivable balance above $60.
Terms: Court or Probation must authorize the Workender Program. Community Corrections reserves the right to refer offenders who fail to meet program criteria back to the sentencing Court or Probation.
Where to report to work as a Workender
A facility van arrives at the Park N’ Ride in Rifle at 7:15 am to pick up workenders each morning. The Park N’ Ride in Rifle is located across from the Wendy’s on Railroad Avenue.
Before reporting to work, please read Workender Policies and Procedures.
Hiring Workenders
Are you a non-profit or government agency within Garfield County needing work done? Call us at 970-625-0334.