Weed Cost Share Program

Noxious Weed Cost Share program
Garfield County and the Bookcliff, Mount Sopris, and South Side Conservation districts are once again offering landowners financial assistance for controlling noxious weeds and trees on their properties. Cost-sharing is available for all state of Colorado listed noxious weeds and watch list species, including Russian olive, tamarisk, and Siberian elm trees.
Cost share program -|
For current cost share applications, contact Sarah LaRose at (970) 945-1377 x 4315 or email.
2024 noxious weeds
The Garfield County Commissioners have partnered once again with the Bookcliff, Mount Sopris and South Side Conservation Districts to provide cost sharing financial assistance to landowners for controlling noxious weeds.
To arrange an on-site visit, mandatory for cost-share participation, please call Garfield County Vegetation Management at 970-945-1377 ext. 4315 or 4305, or the conservation district office at 970-404-3439. This visit is required before the application is accepted.
For current cost share applications, contact Sarah LaRose at (970) 945-1377, ext. 4315 or email., and will also be provided during a site visit. Included in the application is a weed management plan form – including application deadlines – and a weed share policy page. Please make sure the application is filled out in its entirety. If you have questions about completing the application, please call the Vegetation Management office at (970) 945-1377, ext. 4315 or 4305.
Cost-share funds will be limited to $125 an acre ($250 total cost), maximum of $1,000 per landowner. Reimbursements may be up to 50 percent of costs if using a contractor or up to 75 percent of material costs to do it yourself. Reimbursement funds are limited, therefore ineffective materials, incorrect rates, less than optimum treatment timing, and off label treatments will not be cost-shared. Materials purchased must be used in current year. A 1099 will be issued to all payments over $600. If you want your full reimbursement, you must put your social security number on the application.
Only Colorado State Department of Agriculture approved treatments will be reimbursed.
For more information on specific weeds, go to the Colorado Department of Agriculture website. Fact sheets can be requested by calling (970) 945-1377, ext. 4305 or 4315.
Paid receipt or canceled check is required before reimbursement is made. As always, invoice with chemicals used and application rate required. Paid commercial applicators invoice MUST have commercial applicators license number on the bill.
All applications are subject to review by the Noxious Weed Cost Share Review Committee which consists of representatives of Bookcliff, Mount Sopris & South Side Conservation Districts and the Garfield County Weed Advisory Board.
Garfield County Noxious Weed List
Cost share is available for all Colorado state-listed noxious weeds (A, B, C and Watch List), including Russian olive, tamarisk, and Siberian elm. Curly Dock is also eligible for cost share. Full State of Colorado noxious weed list.