Treasurer frequently asked questions
When are my property taxes due?
We collect property taxes one year in arrears (two years on oil & gas property tax). For example, 2023 property tax is collected in 2024. Taxes may be paid with no penalties or interest each year in either one full payment due by April 30, or two half payments due February 28 and June 15.
Does my mortgage company receive a tax notice?
No. In January of each year, a tax notice is sent to the property owner of record. If your mortgage company escrows your property tax each year, please check with them to be sure payment is made.
What if I don’t receive my tax notice?
Property tax notices sent out each year are not a bill – they are a notice. Property tax is owed each year whether a notice is received. If you have not received a tax notice by mid-February each year, please call us at 970-945-6382 and a duplicate notice will be sent.
How can I pay my property taxes?
You can pay your property tax by mail, in person, or over the phone.
By mail:
Garfield County Treasurer
PO Box 1069
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602
By drop-box:
Tax payment drop box just inside courthouse front doors at:
109 8th Street
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
In person:
109 8th Street, Suite 204
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Payments can be made in our office, or by dropping your payment in the tax payment drop box just inside the courthouse front doors (without going through security).
Pay Online:
Use the online payment portal. If making a payment online, you will be charged a $2.00 flat fee to pay by e-check, and a 2.95% convenience fee to pay by credit or debit card ($3.00 minimum).
Can I make a payment over the phone?
Yes, payments can be made by calling the IVR phone payment system, biligual supported 970-645-7990. If paying by phone, please have your property tax account number available, and the same fees as using the online payment portal apply.
Will I receive a receipt with my tax payment?
A receipt will be sent if requested when payment is made.
When are property taxes delinquent?
Unpaid property tax begins accruing interest at 1% per month on the following dates each year:
1st half payments – after the close of business on February 28
2nd half payments – after the close of business on June 15
Full payments – after the close of business of business on April 30
If property tax becomes delinquent, a delinquent notice will be sent to the owner of record (this typically happens during the first week of July each year), which states the amount due as well as any further action that may be taken to collect the delinquent property tax.
When is the annual tax lien sale held?
The annual tax lien sale is held in early November each year. A listing of property tax accounts going to tax lien sale will be advertised in the Rifle Citizen Telegram, the Post Independent and will be posted online in late September and throughout October each year.
Why does my tax amount change?
The amount of property tax you pay is based on your property value (the value placed on your property by the County Assessor) and the mill levy for the taxing district where the property is located. Mill levies are subject to change each year and property values are subject to change every two years.
What is a mill levy?
A mill levy is a rate determined by taxing authorities providing services within your taxing district (the district in which your property is located) that is applied to your assessed property value. This is then used to calculate the amount of property tax you will pay. Each individual taxing entity, such as a school, county, city, fire department, water and sanitation district, and recreation district sets its own mill levy and are listed on your tax notice.
For information on mill levies, assesd values, and how property taxes are calculated, please visit the Assessor FAQs
Did I receive the Senior or Veterans tax exemption? Where do I find it on my tax notice?
If you received one of these exemptions, it will be located in the top portion of your tax notice under the list of mill levies. Colorado law does not allow you to receive both exemptions. For more information on Senior or Veterans exemptions, please visit the Assessor’s Office frequently asked questions.
Can I receive both the Senior and Veterans tax exemptions?
No – the law in Colorado does not allow you to receive both exemptions.
Why do I receive a Tax Notice when it is my mortgage company that pays the property taxes on my home?
The law in Colorado requires that Tax Notices be sent to all Owners of Record whether or not another party remits the taxes due.
What happens if my taxes aren’t paid?
If after the June 15th second-half payment deadline, taxes are still due on a property, a Delinquent Tax Notice is
sent to the Owner of Record (usually during the first week in July) which states the amount of taxes and interest due, as well as any further actions the Treasurer’s Office may be required by law to take to collect those taxes.
Fees charged by the Treasurer
A posting of the fees charged by the Treasurer’s office can be obtained by calling our office. All fees charged by the office are established by state statute.