Weeds of Garfield County calendar photography contest
The Garfield County Vegetation Management Department is seeking images related to noxious weeds for its annual calendar. Winning photos may receive up to $300 and will be featured in the 2023 calendar. Photos of noxious weeds, weed removal, and mitigation efforts, biocontrol, native habitats and agricultural settings, and wildlife will all be considered.
Submission guidelines
• Photos must be at least 10×13 inches, and at a resolution of 300 dpi
• Photographers must be a resident of Garfield County, and include name and contact
info with submissions
• Submissions must detail when and where the photograph was taken
• Submissions must be turned in by June 3, 2022
• Contact Garfield County Vegetation Management Program Coordinator Sarah LaRose at (970) 945-1377, ext. 4315, for information on how to submit photos.