Feb. 7, 20 – CDOT alert: Large amounts of snow leading into the weekend, and more expected Saturday and Sunday, is causing road closures and avalanche risks across western Colorado. Colorado Department of Transportation recommends if you’re in Denver, stay in Denver. if you’re in the mountains, stay in the mountains. Plan for another storm arriving Saturday night. For people who do travel, make sure to have an emergency kit and be prepared for spending additional time in your car during extended closures, especially during ongoing avalanche control. If your car becomes stuck, stay inside until help comes.


Safety first

Put safety first and are discouraging travel this weekend. For people who do travel, make sure to have an emergency kit and be prepared for spending additional time in your car during extended closures, especially during ongoing avalanche control. Motorists must keep in mind that another storm is coming in.

Road conditions

Friday there is zero visibility on I-70, especially near the Eisenhower tunnel, with heavy snow and blowing snow. Closures have and are occurring along the I-70 corridor, check for more information; chain and traction laws are in effect. US 6 Loveland will remain closed.

For commercial/trucking

Chain laws in place for Vail Pass and the tunnel; CDOT will have vehicles with hazmat getting through on the hour. Commercial vehicles are discouraged from taking CO 91 to Leadville because in Leadville there’s no rest/parking areas for commercial vehicles.

Weather outlook

This is a large storm system moving slowly across Colorado. Snow will start getting a little lighter this afternoon and tonight at 7-9 p.m. Winds over higher passes are going to continue east of the Continental Divide and Eisenhower tunnel. The heaviest snowfall at lower elevations will probably occur on the west side of the Denver Metro area.

Avalanche update

CDOT completed mitigation on the I-70 corridor and Red Mountain (550) Pass this morning. More mitigation, including US 6 Loveland and Monarch Pass is planned (Friday) evening. The only scheduled avalanche control work at this time is on US 550 in the southern mountains, but CDOT is reassessing conditions this evening and expect to conduct more control work on the I-70 corridor Saturday morning.

Regarding Ten Mile Canyon: this is an avalanche area; drivers need to drive at a safe speed for conditions, but should not stop in the canyon. If for some reason a motorist must stop, they should stay in their cars. Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) does have avalanche warnings out from Gunnison to the CO-WY border which are likely to continue through tomorrow.

Road conditions and closures are posted at

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