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Red Canyon Fire

August 12, 2013

Red Canyon Fire media alert:
August 17, 2013
9:00 AM

The Type 2 Rocky Mtn. Incident Mgt. Team A has returned management of the fire back to the home units under a Type 3 organization headed by Incident Commander Luke Odom. This site and will be updated only with new information so the updates will not be on any regular schedule.

Though the information function is intact, it has been downsized. Information Officer Bill Kight has been retained. Though he has other duties as he returns to his regular job he will be working as needed both on-site and remotely.

Red Canyon Fire media alert:
August 16, 2013
8:00 PM

At end of shift today, fire operations staff reported 100% containment for the Red Canyon Fire, located approximately 3 miles south - southeast of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Acreage encompassed by the fire remains at 390 acres. Pre-evacuation and evacuation orders were lifted at 9:00 AM today.

Due to fire related traffic, the Lookout Mountain Road will be open only to residents along the road. At 6:00 AM tomorrow, August 17, the Rocky Mountain Incident Management Team A will transfer management of the Red Canyon Fire to a local Type III fire organization. Operations on the fire will continue with the objective of locating hotspots and rehabilitation of firelines. To ensure public and fire-fighter safety, County Road 115 remains closed from Highway 82 to County Road 119.

Resources on the Red Canyon Fire tomorrow will include two 20 person hand crews, four engines, and two water tenders to provide water for the engines. With the containment of the fire, aircraft have been reassigned to other incidents. An air attack reconnaissance plane will be available as needed. Two minor injuries were reported on the fire today. One individual received a cut that required stitches; another fire-fighter was treated for heat exhaustion and subsequently returned to the fireline.

This will be the last update provided by the Rocky Mountain Incident Management Team A. Fire information phone lines will be discontinued at 9:00 PM this evening. The entire team wishes to express our gratitude to the communities of Carbondale and Glenwood Springs for the many expressions of appreciation offered the team. We wish to extend our thanks to our many cooperators, local fire staffs, law enforcement, the Roaring Fork School District, and agency representatives that provided support to the team during the Red Canyon Fire.

Red Canyon Fire media alert:
August 16, 2013
11:00 AM

Yesterday fire fighters made great progress securing the fire line with an estimated 75% containment of the 390 acre fire. Evacuation orders for residents in the Lookout Mountain area were lifted at 9:00 this morning. Due to fire related traffic, the Lookout Mountain Road will be open only to residents with homes there.

Today's weather is expected to be a continuation of warm and dry conditions. Operations within the fire will focus on securing the perimeter of the fire line and mopping up areas where heavier fuels and stump holes are still smoldering. Air resources on the fire today will include one light Type III helicopter and a larger Type II helicopter with single engine air tankers (SEATS) available for use when needed.

Ground resources on the fire include five Type II hand crews of 20 persons each, 17 fire engines, three water tenders that function to ferry water to the engines as needed, and one bulldozer. A about 230 personnel are currently working the fire in addition to contract support at the fire base camp which is located at the Carbondale Middle School.

To ensure public and fire-fighter safety, County Road 115 remains closed from Highway 82 to County Road 119.

Additional information is available at, the Rocky Mountain Team A twitter feed @RM_InciTeamA, or at the Garfield County website at

All media should report to or direct inquiries to Red Canyon Fire Information located within the Carbondale and Rural Fire Protection District Station, 300 Meadowood Drive, Carbondale, CO. Contacts for fire information staff are listed above.

Red Canyon Fire media alert:
August 15, 2013
8:17 PM

Those residents who were evacuated on the Red Canyon Fire will be allowed to return to their homes at 0900 tomorrow (August 16, 2013). If you have Holy Cross as your electric provider, there will not be any electricity until later in the afternoon.

CR115 (Red Canyon Road) will remain locked and closed to traffic from the gate at the bottom near Highway 82 to CR119 (Kindall Road).

The Lookout Mountain Road will be opened to residents only.

All pre-evacuation notices are also lifted at 0900 tomorrow (August 16, 2013).

Fire Facts:

There has been no fire growth today and containment is 75%.

2 engines and SEATs released this evening. Six engines to be released in the morning.  Operations to continue suppression, but to begin rehabilitation of firelines. One Type III and one Type II helicopter to provide air support tomorrow.

Clark McCreedy
Partnership Coordinator
USFWS - Wyoming Ecological Services
5353 Yellowstone Road, 308 A
Cheyenne, WY  82009
Office: 307-772-2374  ext. 227
Public Information Officer
Rocky Mtn. Incident Mgt. Team A

Additional information:
On the
Twitter feed: @RM_InciTeamA

Red Canyon Fire update:
August 15, 2013
10:00 AM

Fire operations staff patrolling the Red Canyon Fire reported no fire growth over-night. The fire is estimated to be 27% contained and encompasses approximately 390 acres. This change in acreage over the last 24 hours is due to the use of thermal imagery to acquire more accurate mapping of the heat signature of the fire.

Similar to yesterday, today's operations will continue to emphasize aggressive suppression of the fire. Air resources on the fire today will include the use of three single engine air tankers (SEATS), one light Type III helicopter and a larger Type II helicopter. Moderate weather, the use of water drops by the helicopters, and line construction by crews resulted in minimal fire activity and lack of growth on the fire yesterday. We anticipate that weather today will bring afternoon winds associated with passing thunder cells that may increase fire activity.

Additional resources on the fire include five Type II hand crews of 20 persons each, 20 fire engines, three water tenders that function to ferry water to the engines as needed, and one bulldozer. A total of 211 personnel are currently working the fire in addition to contract support at the fire base camp which is located at the Carbondale Middle School.

To ensure public and fire-fighter safety , County Road 115 remains closed from Highway 82 to County Road 119.

Red Canyon Fire update
August 14, 2013
8:00 pm (Evening update)

Fire operations staff reported no fire growth today on the Red Canyon Fire, located approximately 3 miles south – southeast of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The fire is now estimated to be 27% contained. The fire now encompasses approximately 390 acres. This change in acreage is due to the use of thermal imagery to acquire more accurate mapping of the heat signature of the fire. Though the fire did experience winds associated with a passing thunder cell today, substantial cloud cover throughout the day helped to moderate fire behavior.

Today's operations continued to emphasize aggressive suppression of the fire. Air resources on the fire today included the use of two large air tankers, two single engine air tankers (SEATS) and one light Type III helicopter and a larger Type II helicopter. Gusty winds associated with an afternoon thunder cell required that the use of the heavy and single engine air tankers be discontinued to ensure crew safety.

This evening, a night shift consisting of two fire engines and a division supervisor will patrol and monitor the fire throughout the night.

Tomorrow, air operations will continue the use of the two single engine air tankers (SEATS), one light Type III helicopter, and a larger Type II helicopter. Firefighters will continue to extend and reinforce fire lines for operations tomorrow. They will use five engines and two twenty person hand crews along the south-southwest flank of the fire; three engines, one hand crew, and one bulldozer on the north-northwest flank of the fire; and, two hand crews and one engine along the eastern flank of the fire. A structure protection group consisting of two additional engines will emphasize mitigation of the area of the communication towers on Lookout Mountain.

Additional information is available at, the Rocky Mountain Team A twitter feed @RM_InciTeamA, or at the Garfield County website at All media should report to or direct inquiries to Red Canyon Fire Information located within the Carbondale and Rural Fire Protection District Station, 300 Meadowood Drive, Carbondale, CO.

Rocky Mountain Incident Management Team A
Bill Kight, Information Officer 720-219-4499
Clark McCreedy, Information Officer, 720-219-4502

Red Canyon Fire update:
August 14, 2013
12:37 pm

At 6:00 a.m. today, the Rocky Mountain Area Incident Management Team A , Shane Del Grosso Incident Commander, accepted management of the Red Canyon Fire.  An Incident Command Post has been established at the Carbondale Middle School; fire information staff are located at the Carbondale and Rural Fire Protection District station.

The Red Canyon Fire is located approximately 3 miles south - southeast of Glenwood Springs, CO.  The fire is burning in mixed pinyon-juniper forest with islands of sage at lower elevations, on both Bureau of Land Management and private lands.  Active fire behavior has been associated with wind gusts related to passing thunderstorms.  These afternoon storm events are a primary concern for fire movement and fire-fighter safety.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation, though lightning strikes were noted in the area prior to the start of the fire on August 12.  The fire now encompasses approximately 350 acres.  More accurate mapping of the fire will become available with the use of thermal imagery to map hot spots and the fire perimeter.

Resources on the fire include two Type II hand crews of 20 persons each, additional hand crews are currently en route to the fire.  Local area fire engines are helping operations today with 20 engines ordered to assist managing the fire.   Air support on the fire today consists of two air attack planes used for reconnaissance, two single engine air tankers (SEATs), one Type III light helicopter, one medium Type II helicopter, and one large air tanker.

Operations for today will emphasize identifying areas of new fire line construction and reinforcing and extending fire lines constructed by local fire agencies.  To ensure public and fire-fighter safety , County Road 115 will remain closed from Highway 82 to County Road 119.

The Rocky Mountain Area Incident Management Team A would like to extend their sincere appreciation to local fire agencies and their staff for the exceptional effort extended during the initial attack on the Red Canyon Fire and their continued support.

Additional information is available at, the Rocky Mountain Team A twitter feed @RM_InciTeamA, or at the Garfield County website at  All media should report to or direct inquiries to Red Canyon Fire Information located within the Carbondale and Rural Fire Protection District Station, 300 Meadowood Drive, Carbondale, CO.

Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer
White River National Forest
Public Information Officer
Rocky Mtn. Incident Mgt. Team A

Follow Rocky Mtn. Incident Mgt. Team A @RM_InciTeamA
(!/RM_InciTeamA )

Red Canyon Fire update:
August 13, 2013
3:55 pm

GARFIELD COUNTY, Colo. - This afternoon the fire made another run to the north and east, consuming 35-40 acres. Evacuations have been ordered east of the fire and north to I-70.

People will be evacuated to the Carbondale High School with animals going to the Garfield County Fairgrounds

A type II fire suppression team has been ordered and will begin arriving this evening to relieve and strengthen existing teams.

Walt Stowe
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Community Relations Deputy/PIO
106 County Road 333-A
Rifle, CO 81650
office: 970-665-0207
cell: 970-309-9697

Red Canyon Fire update:
August 13, 2013
3:08 pm

GARFIELD COUNTY, Colo. - The current Red Canyon Fire is being fought primarily with air attack due to the nature of the terrain and the ingress and egress routes. The safety of the firefighters is a primary concern.

We have three single engine air tankers and one heavy dropping fire retardant between the fire and the city of Glenwood Springs and water in the drainage areas. There are also ground crews numbering about 6o that continue to work the perimeters.

Six fire jumpers are on scene now with additional ground crews expected this evening.

The afternoon winds are a concern and extra precautions are being taken to protect the lives of the firefighters and the general public.

Walt Stowe
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Community Relations Deputy/PIO
106 County Road 333-A
Rifle, CO 81650
office: 970-665-0207
cell: 970-309-9697

Red Canyon Fire update:
August 13, 2013
12:15 pm

GARFIELD COUNTY, Colo. - The Red Canyon Fire has continued to grow slowly through the night and is currently estimated to be between 150-200 acres. The fire is not considered to be contained at this time. There is one Heavy and one SEAT providing air attack as well as approximately 60 men and women on the ground.

The terrain is steep with heavy fuels of juniper and pinyon pine. Additional ground resources will arrive this afternoon to continue ground efforts tomorrow in conjunction with the air support.

Small brush trucks, fire tenders and tanker trucks are on site. Travelers on Highway 82 need to be aware that additional cross traffic will occur at the Holy Cross Intersection (mile marker 3) as tankers refill from the available hydrants at Holy Cross Electric and travel to and from County Road 115.

No evacuations have been ordered at this time although pre-evacuation alerts have been issued to the Christeleit Subdivision and other residences in the area.

Large animals can be sheltered at the Garfield County Fair and Rodeo Grounds in Rifle, but the owners must transport them there and arrange for feed. No animal evacuations have been ordered at this time.

More information will be released as it becomes available.

Walt Stowe
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Community Relations Deputy/PIO
106 County Road 333-A
Rifle, CO 81650
office: 970-665-0207
cell: 970-309-9697

Red Canyon Fire update:
August 12, 2013
9:40 pm

GARFIELD COUNTY, Colo. - A shelter for large animals has been set up at the Garfield County Fairgrounds in Rifle should people feel the need to evacuate their animals from the Red Canyon area due to the fire presence. People should be aware that they will need to bring food and any other items their animals may need while at the Fairgrounds.

The fire has laid down for now and plans are being made for the best approach for tomorrow. Currently the fire is at 0% containment.

Walt Stowe
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Community Relations Deputy/PIO
106 County Road 333-A
Rifle, CO 81650
office: 970-665-0207
cell: 970-309-9697

Red Canyon Fire update:
August 12, 2013
8:15 pm

GARFIELD COUNTY, Colo. - A report of a wildfire sent crews from Glenwood Springs Fire Department and Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District to the Spring Valley area this afternoon.

A three-acre fire was found burning in the pinion & juniper near Christeleit subdivision. The fire spread and a pre-evacuation alert was sent to residents in that area. The wind driven fire spread, consuming approximately 150 acres by 7:30 p.m.

No structures have been lost and no injuries are reported. A Single Engine Air Tanker (SEAT) dropped two loads of slurry on the fire before dark.

The fire is 0% contained as of 7:30 p.m. Glenwood Springs Fire Department will have crews patrolling the area overnight. Smoke from the fire is visible from Carbondale and Glenwood Springs.

County Road 115 is currently closed at Highway 82 and also at the intersection of County Road 115 & 119.

Basalt & Rural Fire Protection District, Colorado River Fire Rescue, Rifle Interagency, Garfield County Sheriff's Department and Garfield County Road and Bridge also responded to this fire.

Updates on the fire can be found on Facebook at Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District, Twitter @Carbondalefire or by searching #redcanyonfire as they become available.

For more information regarding this incident, please contact Garfield County Community Relations Deputy Walt Stowe at 970-309-9697 or Carbondale Fire Chief Ron Leach at 970-963-2491.
Walt Stowe
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Community Relations Deputy/PIO
106 County Road 333-A
Rifle, CO 81650
office: 970-665-0207
cell: 970-309-9697

Red Canyon Fire
August 12, 2013
5:15 pm

GARFIELD COUNTY, Colo. - At about 1:00 PM a fire erupted just off County Road 115 about 2.5 miles from Highway 82. The fire expanded to about five acres by 3:00 PM. A Single Engine Air Tanker (SEAT) was ordered from Craig.

The SEAT arrived at 5:03 PM and dumped its first load. Further air strikes will come from the Rifle Airport. At this point County Road 115 is closed from Highway 82 to County Road 119. The resident occupants in the area are being warned that an evacuation may be necessary, but no evacuations have been ordered at this time.

More information will be released as it becomes available.
Walt Stowe
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Community Relations Deputy/PIO
106 County Road 333-A
Rifle, CO 81650
office: 970-665-0207
cell: 970-309-9697