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Judge’s gavel and collection of legal books on brown background.

Rifle Municipal Court announces bench warrant amnesty day

Sept. 2, 2021

Important: At this time, bench warrant amnesty day applies only to those who have been issued a bench warrant by the Rifle Municipal Court.

The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office fully supports this effort by the City of Rifle and the Rifle Municipal Court. Avoid arrest on a Rifle Municipal Court Bench Warrant; the court is offering anyone with an outstanding warrant the opportunity to come handle the case, and get rid of the warrant without fear of arrest.

Bench warrant amnesty day is set for Sept. 15, 2021, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. On that date, individuals who show up will be able to meet with the judge and prosecutor in an effort to resolve their case. Bench warrant fees will be waived and the bench warrant quashed. No one will be taken to jail on that day. It is an opportunity to finally close an old case and stop worrying about being arrested.

Rifle Municipal Judge Victor Zerbi was inspired by the success of other courts, which have implemented similar programs. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Garfield County Jail was not accepting arrestees for municipal or minor misdemeanor violations in an effort to limit inmate population and slow the progression of the virus. Consequently, the number of open warrants in municipal courts rose.

In early August, Garfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario re-evaluated the prohibition and infection rates and made the determination that due to strict COVID procedures in place at the jail, it was safe to begin bringing back all individuals with outstanding warrants regardless of origin. Law enforcement is now making arrests on all warrants.

Citizens who have Rifle Municipal Court warrants are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. If you have any questions, please contact the court at 970-665-6420.

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