Calculator with wooden house and coins stack and pen on wood table.

Property tax notices mailed in Garfield County

Half payments due Feb. 29 and June 15; full payment deadline is April 30

January 31, 2024

Garfield County property tax notices were mailed on Jan. 30, and residents can expect them in the coming days. Approximately 34,000 account notices were mailed for expected tax collections of $232.8 million, up from 187.1 million last year.

As always, property owners may pay taxes in halves or all at once; the deadlines for half payments are Feb. 29, 2024, and June 15, 2024. The deadline for a full payment is April 30, 2024.

Collections for 2024 are distributed as follows: Kintergarden-12th-grade school 37.71 percent; local college districts 4.68 percent, local municipalities 2.67 percent, special districts 32.36 percent, and the remaining 22.57 percent is retained by the county.

Property owners can make payments online through a secure payment portal with the Garfield County Treasurer’s Office. Click on property tax payments to search for a property by owner name, location, or account number. Select a payment amount to open the online payment portal. Online payments are subject to a $4.03 flat fee on electronic checks, or a 3.28-percent fee on credit cards ($5.18 minimum).

Telephone assistance to make electronic payments is available at (970) 945-6382; the same online service fees apply. Property owners may also pay via the drop box downstairs at the Garfield County Courthouse at 109 8th Street, Glenwood Springs, CO, 81601. If these options do not work, please call to arrange for other alternatives.

To pay by mail, please send to Garfield County Treasurer’s Office, P.O. Box 1069, Glenwood Springs, CO, 81602. Please include your account number to guarantee efficient processing. Payments cannot be made at any county building other than the courthouse in Glenwood Springs.

When property tax payments are made by mortgage companies, homeowners should contact their lenders prior to the due dates to verify the payments have been made. Per statute, property taxes are due each year, whether taxpayers personally receive a tax notice or not. If a tax notice does not arrive in the next two weeks, please contact the treasurer’s office.

For questions about property valuation and assessments, as well as the Senior and Veteran Tax Exemption program, contact the Garfield County Assessor’s Office at 970-945-9134. For questions about property tax payments or the tax payment process, please call the treasurer’s office at 970-945-6382.