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Garfield County hires a new oil and gas liaison

September 27, 2011

Garfield County has a new oil and gas liaison, and he comes with a listening ear. In fact, listening and learning is what Kirby Wynn has at the top of his agenda as he works his way around the county for introductory meetings with the community, local agencies, and energy operators in the coming weeks. Wynn started working for the county September 26.

Wynn serves as the liaison among Garfield County, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, state and federal agencies, Garfield County citizens and energy operators. Wynn brings liaison experience to the position, including 15 years working with local, state and federal agencies on the Western Slope to address natural resource issues.

Wynn spent 23 years with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and expects this experience has prepared him well for the diverse challenges of the oil and gas liaison position. “I have a long history of building diverse partnerships among governments, special districts, and private groups to conduct unbiased water research throughout western Colorado,” says Wynn. He most recently operated his own resource assessment and stakeholder engagement consulting business in Grand Junction, Wynn Environmental, LLC.

Wynn earned a Bachelor of Science degree in geology from the University of Texas.
“As far as my energy experience – my USGS work from 2006-2009 included engaging and collaborating with energy operators and local, state and federal agencies in an unbiased manner to assess water resources throughout the Piceance Basin (including in Garfield County),” Wynn said. “My role was to connect with people, identify issues and develop sound approaches to understand and address those issues.”

“High priorities for me are fostering effective communication and problem solving amongst all parties relative to oil and gas development concerns. I do not see myself as an advocate for specific outcomes, as much as for bringing the right people together to discuss and resolve potential concerns,” Wynn said.

Wynn has lived in Colorado since 1995 and is in the process of moving his family to Garfield County from the Grand Junction area.

He is already on the job, and listening first.