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Hanging Lake Trail above bridge 6. Forest Engineer Dan Woolley is seen crossing high water in this USFS photo.

Hanging Lake Trail temporarily closed due to high run-off

May 23, 2023

The U.S. Forest Service temporarily closed the Hanging Lake Trail because of the large amount of spring run-off flowing directly down the trail in several locations.

The Forest Service closed the trail Sunday and hopes conditions will allow a reopening June 3. Reservations are being canceled and refunded through June 2.

“The amount of water coming down the trail in many spots is really impressive,” said Eagle-Holy Cross District Ranger Leanne Veldhuis. “There is currently no good way around the water, so we have closed the trail until the run-off lessens or our trail crew can mitigate it. We’re evaluating the situation daily.”

Last week the White River National Forest announced planned improvements to the Hanging Lake Trail to better accommodate high water and debris flows, including reengineering six of the trail’s seven bridges and relocating two bridges to crossing locations that provide better stream clearance. That work will begin this fall.

The trail and associated bridges suffered significant damage following the 2021 debris flows in Glenwood Canyon. While a temporary trail was opened in 2022, more extensive repairs are needed for long-term sustainability.

Earlier this month a mudslide and running water blocked access to the Hanging Lake Trailhead for two weeks.

The latest information will be posted at online. Reservations are required to hike Hanging Lake and are available at