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Man's legs in black with orange boots walking in the snow

Grizzly Creek Trail closure modified

January 13, 2022

The White River National Forest has modified the Grizzly Creek Trail closure, opening the first two miles of the trail that were largely undamaged from summer debris flows.

“The first two miles of the Grizzly Creek Trail mostly follow a gentle grade and offer a good winter hiking opportunity for those prepared for conditions, including snow and ice on the trail,” said Rifle District Ranger Kelsha Anderson.

The trail beyond the second mile, including the cutover trail between the Grizzly Creek Trail and Jessie Weaver Trail, suffered significant damage from debris flows and deep channeling during heavy summer rains. The Forest Service and partners will begin repairing and reconstructing the trail this spring and summer.

The Grizzly Creek Trailhead parking is not plowed in the winter, but hikers can park at the Grizzly Creek rest stop and walk the short distance to the trailhead.

The Jessie Weaver Trail in No Name Canyon remains open and offers an additional winter hiking opportunity.

“People using either canyon should be aware of the increased risk of rock fall and hazard trees in and around the area burned by the Grizzly Creek Fire, as well as the additional challenges of a snow- and ice-covered trail in winter,” Anderson said.

For more information about the White River National Forest, including current closures, visit

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