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Hanging Lake in Glenwood Canyon, Colorado.

Glenwood Canyon trail work to begin in May

Hanging Lake reservations limited through the fall

April 19, 2024

Beginning in May, access will be limited to Hanging Lake and other Glenwood Canyon trails while trail reconstruction work, bridge replacements, and other improvements are completed. The work will repair damage from the catastrophic debris flows of 2021 and make the trails better able to handle future high water and debris.

A combination of trail improvements and ecological restoration will begin May 1 to make the 1.2-mile Hanging Lake Trail more sustainable, safe and resilient. Highlights of the project include replacing the trail’s seven bridges to better accommodate high water and constructing a boardwalk at Spouting Rock to reduce erosion and other impacts.

During construction, the Hanging Lake Trail will be closed Monday through Friday, as well as some weekends once bridge replacement begins later in the summer.

USFS press release