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GCPH: Critical information before holiday gatherings

December 23, 2021

GARFIELD COUNTY, CO – The holidays are here and so is the Omicron variant. More contagious than any previous variant, it is now the leading form of COVID-19 in the U.S.
Before gathering for the holidays, Garfield County Public Health strongly urges everyone to:
• Consider having everyone test before gathering for the holidays.
Testing is available at multiple locations through Roaring Fork, including: free COVID testing, state testing site in Rifle on Sundays 12 – 4 p.m. at 195 W. 14th St., at medical provider offices throughout Garfield County, and for purchase at big box stores.
• Masks, frequent handwashing and staying at home if sick are also effective to help reduce spreading illness.
• Remember that people are most contagious in the two days prior to testing positive or before developing symptoms.
• If you feel that you have been exposed, know what to do. How to quarantine or isolate.
• Get boosted or vaccinated. Find a COVID-19 vaccine clinic.
With the potential increase in cases and over the holidays, Garfield County Public Health may have limited ability for contact tracing and public health services. All county offices will be closed Thursday and Friday, Dec. 23 and 24, and again on Monday, Jan. 3.

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