Garfield County seeks input on Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan

April 21, 2017

Garfield County is beginning the process of updating the 2012 Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (HMP) and would like input from the community in a survey. The survey is available online and will be open until May 30.

HMPs, like the one approved for Garfield County in 2012, identify where vulnerabilities to natural disasters such as flood, drought, earthquake, wildfire, winter storm, or dam failure might exist. The plan covers the county, as well as participating communities and fire districts. It sets goals, establishes mitigation alternatives, and prioritizes projects which may alleviate potential damages to property and provide protection when future disasters occur.

HMPs are a requirement of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 and are administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Participation in the HMP makes each entity eligible for cost-share grants for a wide variety of projects listed in the plan. Hazard mitigation plans are required to be updated on a five-year cycle and the Garfield County’s HMP will expire in 2017.

Garfield County has posted a video online explaining the need for the update on its website home page, as well as access to the online survey questions. Please visit the Community Development or Emergency Management sections of the Garfield County website for plan updates and links to surveys throughout the planning process. The county also encourages a community review and comments once a draft of the plan is available.

Garfield County has hired JEO Consulting Group, Inc. and Wright Water Engineers, Inc. to assist with the plan development over the next six to eight months. This hazard mitigation plan update is funded by a FEMA planning grant. The cost is shared 75% through federal funding and 25% through a county match.

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