Garfield County grants Salvation Army $50,000
Funding helps nonprofit cover client assistance and operational costs
October 15, 2020
GARFIELD COUNTY, CO – Garfield County has approved a $50,000 grant to the localSalvation Army to help with client assistance and operational costs in light of increased need
due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The nonprofit assists clients in covering the costs of housing
and basic utilities, such as water, heat and electricity.
The grant includes $25,000 for emergency COVID assistance from federal CARES Act funds
the county has received, and the other $25,000 toward operations is coming out of the Board of
County Commissioners’ (BOCC) discretionary grant fund.
Karen Lee, Roaring Fork Valley coordinator for the Salvation Army, told the commissioners that
the nonprofit has assisted 287 clients with housing costs alone since last October. She noted
that the effort is spearheaded by her team of two staff and two volunteers.
“One of the most fascinating things about race car driving is the pit crew. This crew of people
performs amazing work through a team effort, and right now I have this truly amazing crew that
is doing great things,” Lee said. “Over the last seven months, we’ve spent more than $200,000
to assist our clients.”
Lee added that she’s received more than 750 phone messages from people needing assistance
between March and May of this year alone when COVID took hold across the country.
“My role is to help the people and I want to continue to do that, but in order to be able to, I need
additional assistance,” she told the board.
The grant was approved unanimously by the board, 3-0.
“You have a big task in from of you with lots of moving parts, and I’ve been over to their office a
few times and everything is moving fast,” said Commissioner John Martin. “Thank you.”
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