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The front entrance of the Garfield County Administration Building in Glenwood Springs.

Garfield County enacts emergency declaration

Garfield County has declared a local disaster emergency in wake of the COVID-19 virus spread affecting Colorado and the rest of the world. The declaration, which is in effect for seven days and may be extended, is necessary to ensure public health, safety and welfare of the people of Garfield County.

The declaration activates all response and recovery efforts from “all applicable local and interjurisdictional disaster and emergency plans” and authorizes aid and assistance under those plans.

The COVID-19 outbreak was declared by the World Health Organization on Jan. 30 and has since spread. Colorado Governor Jared Polis declared a state of emergency in the state on March 10, and Garfield County Public Health issued a standing public health order two days later, setting local standards for gatherings in the area. The Board of County Commissioners enacted the emergency declaration on March 16.