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The Garfield County Board of County Commissioners in a meeting on August 13.

County approves third-quarter discretionary grants

More than $22,000 granted to six local nonprofits, $34,550 remaining for fourth quarter

August 15, 2024

Garfield County has approved $22,450 in discretionary grants to six local nonprofits. The county had budgeted $120,000 for nonprofit discretionary grants for 2024, of which $33,550 remains for the fourth-quarter requests.

Recipients of nonprofit grants include:
• The Valley Senior Center was granted $1,450 for a new 40-gallon water heater to replace its failing, 26-year-old unit. These grant funds were allocated via Garfield County Housing Authority.
• Youthentity was granted $5,000 toward two youth career expos – one in Glenwood Springs and the other in Rifle. The events serve more than 1,500 students from Aspen to De Beque, connecting youth with potential employers and opportunities to set them on the path to a career.
• The Roaring Fork Conservancy received $1,000 toward promotion of its “Keep it Clean” partnership, specifically local radio ads in Spanish.
• Glenwood Springs Arts Council received $5,000 for scholarships for kids ages 5-18, costs of operating the gallery, and support of its free art-related community events.
• Andy Zanca Youth Empowerment Program (AZYEP) was granted $5,000 for its free youth programs, including internships for high school students, classroom partnership opportunities, and broadcasting of its long-running community offerings on KDNK.
• Garfield County Search and Rescue received $5,000 toward mission-related expenses in assisting people with medical emergencies and conducting search and rescue operations in Garfield County.

The grant requests, which are capped at $5,000, were approved unanimously, 3-0. Nonprofit discretionary grant request forms for the fourth quarter are available on the county website.

“That leaves us with around $34,000 to go for the fourth quarter,” said Commissioner Mike Samson.