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A pile of logs in a wooded forest on a sunny winters day.

Forest health logging work resumes along Fourmile Road

December 7, 2022

Winter recreationists on Fourmile Road above Glenwood Springs may encounter logging traffic Monday through Friday as two projects to improve forest health begin.

An aspen regeneration project across four areas totaling 109 acres is underway east and south of Fourmile Park. Aspen stands need periodic disturbance, and clear-cutting and removing mature aspen stimulates their root system to vigorously regenerate. Trees will be felled, chipped on site, and trucked to the biomass plant in Gypsum.

A spruce-fir regeneration project is underway farther up Fourmile Road in the Countyline area. Here small (05.-2 acres) patches of spruce-fir will be cut from seven units totaling 823 acres. The logs are being trucked to a mill in Montrose. Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir respond well to these smaller area cuts.

“This work will help ensure the long-term health of forests in this area by creating size and age diversity,” said Aspen Sopris District Ranger Kevin Warner. “The work will also improve wildlife habitat.”

Up to 20 heavy trucks a day may travel Fourmile Road (FSR 300) on weekdays as a result of the two projects. The road will be open to the Fourmile Park gate and kiosk. Parking will be only be allowed along one side of the road to ensure enough room is available for large trucks and other vehicles.

The snowmobile parking area near the Forest boundary will be open this year. Snowmobilers will be able to access an alternate, groomed trail to by-pass the plowed portions of Fourmile Road.

“We really appreciate Black Hills Energy allowing access across their property so we can maintain this important alternate access for snowmobilers,” Warner said.

The projects are anticipated to continue through the winter. Additional units will be cut in the area over the next several years.

“This is a very popular area for a variety of recreational activities year-round, and it is an important area for other multiple uses on the Forest including timber work and summer grazing,” Warner said. “We appreciate everyone’s patience and willingness to respect all the different activities occurring.”

For information call the Aspen-Sopris Ranger District, 970-963-2266, or visit online.