Female doctor placing adhesive bandage on little girl's arm after vaccination.

FDA and CDC approve vaccine for 5- to 11-year-olds

November 21, 2021

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has unanimously authorized the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech pediatric vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 years old. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supported the move as well. There is also important news about free at-home COVID tests, what to do if you are sick or test positive, booster clinics, and more.

Vaccinations for youth 5 to 11 Garfield County Public Health is waiting for pediatric doses of the Pfizer vaccine to be delivered. Clinics around Garfield County may receive vaccine at different times, check with your provider to find a clinic convenient for you. Once Garfield County vaccine has arrived, families may attend any Garfield County Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic to have their children vaccinated. Vaccine arrival will be announced on Facebook and on the COVID-19 vaccine page.

Feel sick? Exposed to COVID? Test positive? Now what?

Free rapid COVID-19 over the counter tests available to your home or organization
Colorado is providing free BinaxNOW rapid antigen tests available to order for your home or organization.

The BinaxNOW antigen test shows results in 15 minutes. However, results are less accurate than a molecular (PCR) type test. A negative result may mean you have to get a PCR test. A positive result means you must isolate and you should report results to public health, especially if you need additional care for medical reasons due to COVID. Home tests are not automatically reported to public health and results must be reported online. BinaxNOW tests used for school re-entry must be performed in the presence of school or medical personnel.

Where else to get a test?
Roaring Fork Free COVID testing in Rifle, Glenwood and Carbondale offers PCR molecular tests with highly accurate results back in 48 hours. BinaxNOW antigen tests are also available for people with symptoms who also take a PCR test.

Boosters can be obtained at any Garfield County Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. You may mix and match vaccine types. Those 18+ and at least 6 months past Pfizer/Moderna, or 2 months past J&J, and in frequent contact with others, may receive a booster vaccine.

Flu vaccine clinics are open by appointment.

Free radon test kits are available in Rifle, Glenwood Springs, and Carbondale. More information on the Garfield County radon page.

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