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COVID-19 weekly summary

March 8, 2021

CDC news, vaccinated people can meet in private settings
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued its first set of recommendations on activities that people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (two weeks after last shot) can safely resume in private settings:

• Visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing
• Visit with unvaccinated people from a single household who are at low risk for severe COVID-19 disease indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing
• Refrain from quarantine and testing following a known exposure if asymptomatic

*All people (vaccinated or not) still need to wear masks and remain distanced when out in public. Garfield County is beginning to see a few cases of vaccinated people contracting COVID-19. Vaccinated people can still get COVID, but symptoms are less severe. If an unvaccinated person in your home contracts COVID, even vaccinated members of the household should isolate from the ill person.

The good news is that Garfield is seeing declining hospitalizations due to high vaccination rates in our most at-risk population and has not had a COVID death since February 7.

Garfield County following state vaccine phase guidance: currently in 1B.3

• Anyone age 60+, people with two or more chronic conditions (of those listed) and grocery store workers, may make a vaccine appointment.
• Find when and where you can be vaccinated on the vaccine page.
• Mid to late March the state hopes to expand to phase 1B.4.
• Following 1B.4, the vaccine will be open to the general public.
5,910 doses of vaccine to arrive in Garfield County this week
The 5,910 doses of vaccine are for both first and second dose clinics. Garfield County is in phase 1B.3 and following the states phasing. A number of providers including Valley View and Grand River are hosting vaccine clinics this week.

State issues Eighth Amended Public Health Order
The state updated the COVID-19 Dial Public Health Order. Garfield County has issued a press release on how the most recent changes affect the county in Level Blue.

CURRENT STATS – these come from Johns Hopkins,, CDPHE

Geographic Area Total Cases Currently Hospitalized Deaths Recovered
Global 116,720,811 Not Available (N/A) 2,591,264 66,013,361
United States 28,714,259 41,401 524,935 N/A
Colorado 435,762 326 5,986 23002
Garfield County 5,265 N/A

39 Confirmed

Eagle County 5,207 N/A 20 N/A
Pitkin County 2,051 N/A 4 N/A
Mesa County 13,444 17 119 13,164

*This number represents patients discharged in the state

Cases since last week
• 39 cases reported/added 3/1-3/7, for a rolling average of 5.6 cases added per day.
• 39 confirmed COVID-19 related deaths
• 2 deaths have occurred amongst COVID-19 cases; cause of death was not COVID-19
• 0 deaths under investigation
• 0 new death reported since last week

One-week incidence:
Monday: 109.7
Tuesday: 114.7
Wednesday: 104.7
Thursday: 109.7
Friday: 96.4
Saturday: 91.4
Sunday: 68.1

Hospitalizations, days with stable or declining hospitalizations (previous 14 days):
Monday: 13
Tuesday: 13
Wednesday: 13
Thursday: 13
Friday: 13
Saturday: 13
Sunday: 12

Test positivity, two-week period:
Monday: 3.4%
Tuesday: 3.1%
Wednesday: 2.7%
Thursday: 2.8%
Friday: 2.9%
Saturday: 2.8%
Sunday: 2.6%


Valley View Grand    River Health Mountain Family    Health Center Garfield County    Public Health Long    Term Care Facilities Totals
Vaccine Administered 11,161 5,085 2,020 224 1,395 19,885
1st Dose 6,190 3,160 1,585 134 807 11,876
2nd Dose/fully vaccinated 4,971 1,925 435 90 588 8,009
70+ – 1st dose 2,234 1,326 427 72 4,059
70+ fully vaccinated 2,027 1000 285 55 3,367
65-69 yrs. – 1st dose 1,155 283 414 51 1,903
65-69 yrs. fully vaccinated 782 283 51 35 1,151

*Numbers are from reporting agencies. There may be other entities administering vaccine that do not report to Garfield County.

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