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Comprehensive Plan 2030 Process

Early September 2010

Since September of 2009, County Planning staff has been working with Winston Associates to develop an updated Comprehensive Plan for the County. In order to develop the Comprehensive Plan, the planning team has made a significant effort in outreaching to a variety of different stakeholders as well as the general public. A variety of strategies were used to collect information about the values and priorities of county residents including: 18 public meeting held in every jurisdiction across the County, a “sounding board” group of random sampled respondents used for surveying, interviews were conducted with over 150 different stakeholders and a Citizen’s Advisory Committee was appointed by the Planning Commission to watchdog and assist in drafting the plan. In addition, frequent sessions were held with the Planning Commission and Board of County commissioners to keep them updated on the process as well as to receive input on the plan. The plan has now been drafted and has gone through a series of hearings in mid-August. September 22nd, 23rd and October 7th have been scheduled for the final public hearings and adoption of the plan. These hearings will be held at the County Administration Building in Glenwood Springs at 6:30 p.m.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

The Garfield County Comprehensive Plan has been developed to provide a general statement of direction for land use planning in unincorporated Garfield County. The plan provides a foundation for decisions and policies that guide and direct the physical, social, economic and spatial development of the unincorporated portions of the County. It is designed to serve as a tool for citizen’s county staff and elected officials, and focuses on responding to both the immediate and long-term needs of the community. In addition, the State requires County’s and municipalities to adopt Comprehensive or General Plans and encourage the development to be for the general purpose of “…guiding and accomplishing a coordinated and harmonious development of the relevant territory, which, in accordance with present and future needs and resources, will best promote the general welfare of the inhabitants.”

Final Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030