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Sparkler fireworks against evening background.

BOCC passes firework prohibition ordinance

Sales, use, and possession are prohibited in unincorporated Garfield County

March 19, 2024

Garfield County has passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale, use, and possession of fireworks in unincorporated areas of the county. The ordinance states that the combination of hot, dry, and windy conditions in Garfield County and heavily forested and grassy areas can create a high fire danger.

“The board finds it is in the best interests of the citizens and residents of Garfield County to ban and prohibit the sale, use, or possession of fireworks and permissible fireworks to preserve the health, safety, and welfare of citizens and residents within the county,” the ordinance notes.

The ordinance covers unincorporated Garfield County; municipalities make their own rules regarding whether fireworks are prohibited. On federal lands, including BLM and Forest Service lands, the use of fireworks of any type, flares, or other incendiary devices, including exploding targets, are always prohibited.

The ordinance is in effect 30 days from publication and remains in effect for one year. A state law exempts the dates of May 31 through July 5, during which counties must show “competent evidence of high fire danger” to prohibit firework use. Garfield County Emergency Management monitors temperature, relative humidity, wind, fuel moisture levels, and precipitation outlooks to determine if a further resolution covering the exempted dates is necessary.

Anyone in violation of the ordinance, classified as a civil infraction, is subject to a fine of “not more than $1,000 for each separate violation.” More information on firework restrictions can be found online at

The ordinance passed unanimously, 2-0, with Commissioner Tom Jankovsky excused from the meeting.