All in-person events canceled for the 2020 Garfield County Fair & Rodeo
June 5, 2020
The fair board has worked diligently with the support of the BOCC and county staff to put on a great 2020 fair. However, because of events beyond our control, it is with a great deal of regret that the Garfield County Fair Board has had to make the decision to cancel all in-person events at the fairgrounds this year. This is to abide by the recent Public Health order issued by the Governor on June 2, 2020 that all “fairs, rodeos and festivals and parades are not authorized to occur”. Per the governor’s health order, the fair board has no option but to cancel these events for the safety of our families, friends, community and visitors to avoid any further spread of COVID-19.
We would like to thank all of our sponsors and participants for their past and continued support, and remind everyone that we are still having the 4-H virtual livestock and open class shows and virtual livestock sale. There is a great need to support our 4-H youth this year more than ever; please get involved with these events. Sponsors and buyers are needed to make this a success. Thank you to all who have supported and sponsored our fair in the past; please consider sponsoring the fair and these programs in the future.
The Garfield County Fair Board is hopeful that if opportunities are available by the end of the year, possibly we can have a community celebration of sorts on our road to recovery.
Thank you,
Levy Burris
Fair Board President