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Garfield County COVID-19 summary

February 1, 2021

Data update:  Garfield County has remained in Level Yellow for Stable/Declining Hospitalizations and two-week cumulative Test Positivity levels. The county two-week cumulative incidence rate remains in Level Red. Case rates have shown a decline over the past three weeks.

B.1.1.7 (UK) variant: The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Garfield County Public Health have confirmed that two Garfield County residents have tested positive for the B.1.1.7 (UK) variant. One additional case is awaiting confirmatory testing.

Vaccine rollout: As of 1/31/21 6,445 people have received COVID-19 vaccine. Of those, 2,000 or 3.3% have received both doses and are fully vaccinated. Garfield County estimates that over 72% of our 70+ population has been vaccinated, while the state of Colorado as a whole is at 34%. The state’s goal is to have 70% of the 70+ population vaccinated by the end of February.

 The state will begin vaccinating Coloradans ages 65 and older, as well as Colorado PreK-12 educators February 8. This is part of the new COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan.

-Individuals in eligible age groups should continue to watch for appointment availability at one of the locations listed on the Garfield County vaccine page.

-Educators should reach out to their employers to sign up for the vaccine.

The state estimates that close to March 5, frontline workers and Coloradans ages 16-64 with two or more high-risk conditions will also be eligible to receive the vaccine.

Current stats

– these come from Johns Hopkins,, CDPHE

Geographic area Total cases Currently hospitalized Deaths Recovered
Global 102,930,055 Not Available (N/A) 2,227,004 57,015,794
United States 26,183,915 95,103 432,175 N/A
Colorado 396,179 652 5,637 20,970*
Garfield County 4,951 N/A 36 N/A
Eagle County 4,418 N/A 17 N/A
Pitkin County 1,840 N/A 4 N/A
Mesa County 12,112 33 99 11,146

* This number is the patients discharged in the state.


Cases since last week

  • 185 cases reported/added since last week for a 7-day rolling average of 26.4 cases added per day – up 10 cases per day since last week


Providers vaccinating # vaccine received % vaccine administered 1st dose 2nd dose Phase 1A and 1B #70+    vaccinated % 70+ vaccinated †
Valley View Hospital 5,671 100% 4,215 1,456 2,225 1,990 43.3%
Grand River Health 2,454 100% 1,926 528 820 1,106 24.1%
Mountain Family Health Center 370 100% 211 137 233 5.1%
Garfield County Public Health 93 100% 93 37 56 1.2%
Total from providers listed 8,588 100% 6,604 1,984 3,219 3,385 73.6%

† 70+ population estimate (4,598) has been calculated using Census data that can be found here:


  • 36 confirmed COVID-19 related deaths
  • 2 deaths have occurred amongst COVID-19 cases, but were ruled to be caused by something other than COVID-19
  • 0 new deaths reported since last week

State dial information (1/25 – 1/31)

  • Two-week incidence:
    • Monday: 511.9
    • Tuesday: 578.4
    • Wednesday: 583.4
    • Thursday: 553.5
    • Friday: 505.3
    • Saturday: 480.3
    • Sunday: 465.4
      • Remained in ‘Level Red’ for two-week cumulative incidence rate for the past week.
  • Hospitalizations , days with stable or declining hospitalizations:
    • Monday: 10
    • Tuesday: 9
    • Wednesday: 10
    • Thursday: 9
    • Friday: 10
    • Saturday: 9
    • Sunday: 9
      • Remained in ‘Level Yellow ‘ for stable or declining hospitalizations for the past week.
  • Test positivity:
    • Monday: 6.9%
    • Tuesday: 6.7%
    • Wednesday: 6.9%
    • Thursday: 6.7%
    • Friday: 6.6%
    • Saturday: 6.6%
    • Sunday: 6.6%
      • Remained in ‘Level Yellow’ for two-week cumulative test positivity rate for the past week.


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