Garfield County
New Energy in the Wild West
Garfield County Profile
Garfield County Incorporated on February 10, 1883, Garfield County, Colorado, is named after the 20th President of the United States, James A. Garfield. Born in Ohio on November 19, 1831, Garfield is a very appropriate namesake for a county as diverse as this. Diverse in his background, interests and profession, some part of his life is likely to inspire everyone.
Garfield County is one of the largest counties in Colorado, incorporating nearly 3,000 square miles on the western boundary of the state. The county has more than doubled in population since 1985 and is projected to double in size again by 2040. With this continual population increase and growth pressure comes many transitions within each of the six incorporated communities, as well as changes seen at a countywide level.
With a county that is rapidly changing, it is important to track its physical, social and economic factors, in order to give a general indication of where the county has been, as well as where it will likely go. Information of this nature can be helpful, not only for county and municipal governments, but also for those thinking of starting a business, relocating to the area, or for residents curious about the baseline information about where they live.
County Profile PDF version
- Introduction
- Physical Characteristics
- Climate
- History of Garfield County
- Population
- Communities
- Transportation
- Housing and Real Estate
- Education
- Telecommunications
- Economic Activity
- Labor Force, Jobs and Income
- Healthcare
- Senior Living
- Recreation and Leisure
- Cultural Amenities

© Copyright statement
This County Profile is a document created by Garfield County staff with data and information for the use by businesses, citizens and visitors to the county, as well as for economic development groups.
Most of the photos in the profile are copyrighted and solely owned by professional photographers, and are not licensed for use or distribution to or by third parties. The photographers are named in the report, and the county invites you to contact them to pursue licensing opportunities. Photos taken by Garfield County Communications Department staff are available for community use.
For more information, including professional photographer contact information, please email the Garfield County Communications Department.