Non-residential program
Our non-residential program offers monitoring services of varying levels. Some offenders are sentenced directly to the program from the courts.
Non-residential services clients must abide by strict monitoring rules and are subject to home visits by staff. Clients who fail to comply with our program rules may be regressed, placed in the residential facility or returned to the courts for re-sentencing.
Electronic Home Monitoring (EHM)
Community Corrections completes a risk assessment on a defendant to determine if the defendant is appropriate for home placement. Defendant is released for work and court-ordered treatment, and the remainder of the time is spent at home.
Fee: $15 per day
Terms: Court must authorize home monitoring. Community Corrections reserves the right to refer any defendant who does not meet home monitoring criteria back to the sentencing court.
Urine Analysis (UA)
Summary: Random monitoring of offenders.
Fee: $15 for negative results, additional $25 must be paid for positive result confirmation.
Terms: Court or probation must authorize urine analysis. Offender must pay per test.
Pre-Sentence UA (PSIUA)
Summary: Clients will be given a UA and BAC on date requested by probation.
Fee: $15 per UA
Terms: Probation must refer clients to Community Corrections Clients must pay fee before UA is administered
Learn more about the Residential and Non-Residential Offender Reintegration Employment Initiative.