County documents
Disclaimer: Documents found in the Community Development folder via this public portal are only the files that the department has in its file system associated with specific planning or building projects, and are not considered the official record nor are guaranteed to be complete. These files are provided for reference purposes only. These files do not include all documents pertaining to subdivisions or exemptions previously processed with the county, as more archival documents are being added. Documents considered to be in the official record are located in the office of the Garfield County Clerk and Recorder.
Search and browse files
Browse all public documents.
Search all public documents. The “customize search” dropdown contains the list of available searches.
Community Development records quick search feature
To conduct an advanced search, there are various techniques:
- Field search – searches index information about a document, such as owner, date, or address. Select “field search” from dropdown list. Search multiple fields to narrow your search (i.e. address and owner). Click search.
- Text search – searches text within documents. Select “text” from dropdown list. Fill in a word or phrase to search. You can narrow your search by using the “and”, “or” or other options, to further refine the search.
- Field and text – searches fields and text within same search. Select “text and field” from dropdown list. Follow instructions above.
Search help – tips for using the advanced search.
Using Land Explorer- Accessing Assessor’s Data
Online Filing Cabinet
Navigating Garfield County Land Explorer Handout
Download and print
Documents must be downloaded to print in their entirety. Select the document you wish to view. If the document does not automatically open in Adobe Acrobat/Reader, click the icon with the “Print to PDF” icon, or click the Adobe icon (if available).