Garfield County Coroner’s office
Location and phone
1806 Medicine Bow Court
Silt, Colorado 81652
Email Coroner
970-665-6335 | Office phone

Oath of office
Garfield County Coroner, Robert Glassmire, was sworn in for another four-year term on January 11, 2023.
Robert Glassmire bio
Family handbook
Public records
Coroner statutory requirements
The Coroner’s Office is a state constitutional and statutory office, of which is mandated to establish the cause and manner of death. The “cause of death” is the injury or disease, or combination of the two, responsible for initiating the train of physiological disturbances, whether brief or prolonged, which produced the fatal termination. The “manner of death” refers to the circumstances under which the cause of death arose. These circumstances include accident, natural causes, suicide, and homicide.
A common misconception people have is that the responsibility for determining the vital questions of cause and manner of death lies with law enforcement agencies. In fact, the responsibility is the coroner’s.
This office also notifies the District Attorney immediately when anyone has died from unexplained causes, external violence, or under suspicious circumstances.
Service providers
Information on funeral and cleaning service providers in the region
Information request form
Request information from the Coroner’s office regarding a death investigation