Boards and commissions
Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment openings
The Garfield County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is currently seeking citizen volunteers to fill seats on the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment. Each seat term will be for three years, ending on 12/31/2027, and is eligible for renewal request at the end of that term.Please send a letter of interest specifying the position you would like to fill, and relevant background, to Community Development Director, Glenn Hartmann and Community Development Office Administrator, Brooke Winschell.
For more information, call 970-945-1377, ext.1570 for Glenn or ext. 4212 for Brooke Accepting letters of interest until reappointment seats/vacancies are filled.
Planning Commission
Three seats up for reappointment.
The Planning Commission is a decision-making body, which primarily provides recommendations to the BOCC on land use matters. Meetings are on the second Wednesday each month. As necessary, the fourth Wednesday of the month also serves as an alternate meeting date. Commission meetings typically commence at 6:00 pm
Board of Adjustment
Three vacant seats, and two seats up for reappointment.
The Board of Adjustment is a decision-making body, tasked with reviewing variance requests, along with appeals to administrative interpretations. Meetings are on every fourth Monday of the month, on an as-needed basis. Board of Adjustment meetings typically commence at 6:30 p.m.
Board of County Commissioners
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC’s) meetings are on the first three Mondays of each month. If Monday is a holiday, the following Tuesday or the fourth Monday of the month also serve as meeting dates. BOCC meetings typically commence at 8 am for the morning session, and the afternoon session at 1 pm. Residents are able to approach the board at the start of each session to offer brief comments to the board.
Meetings for planning commission, board of adjustment, and board of county commissioners are held in the commissioner’s meeting room, Room 100, in the Garfield County Administration building, 108 8th Street, Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Please check the current Board of Adjustment agenda for the exact time and location of meetings. Meeting agendas, minutes, and recordings for the Board of Adjustment are available for review.

Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment openings
The Garfield County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is currently seeking citizen volunteers to fill seats on the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment. Each seat term is for three years, ending 12.31.27, and is eligible for renewal request at the end of that term.
ÂPlanning Commission
The Planning Commission is a decision-making body, which primarily provides recommendations to the BOCC on land use matters. There are three seats up for reappointment. Meetings are on the second and occasionally the fourth Wednesday each month, on an as-needed basis at 6:00 pm, and dinner is provided.
ÂBoard of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment is a decision-making body, tasked with reviewing variance requests, along with appeals to administrative interpretations. There are three vacant seats, and two seats up for reappointment. Meetings are on the fourth Monday of each month, on an as-needed basis at 6:30 pm, and dinner is provided.
ÂPlease send a letter of interest specifying the position you would like to fill and relevant background to Glenn Hartmann, at, and Brooke Winschell, at For more information, call 970-945-8212
ÂAccepting letters of interest until reappointment seats/vacancies are filled.