
Garfield County communicates with our residents and visitors with continuously updated, communicative, and interactive online experiences. Please view all departments online from the top menu and choose one.
Garfield County news
Garfield County Emergency Communications Authority
Editor and reporter inquiries regarding the county may be directed to Garfield County Communications at 970-384-3844, or via an email here.
Press communications
Communications, such as press releases, media relations, print, broadcast, and online information for Garfield County is managed by the Garfield County Communications Department. Garfield County news releases are posted on the home page of the county website when released, and are archived in the county news section.
Website administration
Garfield County’s official website and other external county sites are administered by the Communications Department. For questions regarding information on,, or, please email communications staff. The appropriate county office or department will receive your inquiry, in order to assist you. The county websites are administered within the privacy policy established by the Garfield County Board of County Commissioners.
Logo files
Garfield County’s logos are available for implementation on county projects by organizations doing business with the county, as determined by Garfield County department personnel. For a clean logo copy in the format needed for professional presentation, please call 970-384-3844, or send an email. The county logos on this website are NOT for downloading, use in presentations (digital or otherwise), nor for distribution.
Photographs contained on this site are expressly owned by the originator of each image. Photographs from professional photographers are expressly copyrighted, and no copying or distribution is permitted. All images not owned by professional photographers are owned by Garfield County and no rights are extended for copying or distribution, and permission is not expressly granted for any online uses, other than for viewing on the sites administered by Garfield County, Colorado.