Garfield County Commissioner meetings
Agendas and streaming video
Agendas, streaming meetings, video and minutes
1996-2012 minutes archives
Meeting schedule
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) typically meets the first three Mondays of the each month. As necessary, in the case of a holiday, the following Tuesday, or the fourth Monday of the month also serve as alternate meeting dates.
BOCC meeting calendar (2024)
BOCC meetings typically commence at 8 am. Most meetings are held in Room 100 in the Garfield County Administration building, 108 8th Street, Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Please check current BOCC agenda for exact start time and details of a meeting, and to watch streaming meetings or to review archived meetings online. Board meetings begin with allocated time for anyone not on the agenda to make a short statement. This is also offered at the beginning of the afternoon session beginning at 1 p.m.
Meeting minutes
The Board of County Commissioner minutes on this website are complete detailed minutes through 2009. In 2010, the county commission requested summary minutes be placed on the website. However, expanded minutes are available by request, as well as court transcripts through contact of:
Garfield County