The Assessor’s Office will be closed January 27th from 9-10:30 am for the Annual Services Awards
Taxing entities
What is a taxing entity?
A taxing entity is a local government or school district that provides local services funded by property tax, sales tax, or other funding sources. This is a list of all of the taxing entities in
Garfield County.
Who are the taxing entities that serve my property?
- This information is located on the tax bill you receive every January.
- You may also find this information by looking on our databases or GIS system. Once you have determined the tax area ID number, you can access information regarding the taxing entities that serve your property.
Mill levies by district
How do taxing entities fund their services?
Each year taxing entities determine the revenue needed and allowed under the law to provide services for the following year. Each taxing entity calculates a tax rate based on the revenue needed from property tax and the total assessed value of real and personal property located within their boundaries. The tax rate is expressed as a mill levy.
Where can I get more information about taxing entities?
The Department of Local Affairs Local Government Services website has information, including budgets, filings, mailing addresses, etc.