Colorado Law Enforcement Officers raise $67,923.50 for Special Olympics

July 27, 2022

The Tip-a-Cop Program with Chili’s Restaurants was resumed this year on Sunday July 24, 2022, after a four-year hiatus due to the Pandemic. Thirty-five Chili’s Restaurants across Colorado participated in this event and raised $67,923.50 for Special Olympics Colorado in eight hours.

Locally at the Chili’s Restaurant in Glenwood Springs featured Garfield County Deputies teaming up with Colorado State Patrol, each taking a four-hour shift, and raising $1947.01 for the athletes of Special Olympics Colorado.

Tip-a-Cop grew out of an initial fund raising effort started in Wichita, Kansas by Chief of Police Richard LaMunyon in 1981. It is part of the LETR (Law Enforcement Torch Run) effort. That effort provides an avenue for Law Enforcement to raise funds for and interface with Special Olympic Athletes worldwide. Whether it is a polar plunge, a plane pull, tip-a-cop, or an actual torch run these law enforcement fund raisers are found in all 50 states and more than 35 countries.

Through the years, these various platforms have raised over 600 million dollars for Special Olympic Athletes, making LETR the largest grassroots fundraising effort in the world and uniting Special Olympic Athletes, their families and law enforcement officers around the globe!

To learn more about LETR, visit