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Update on COVID-19 outbreak at the Garfield County Jail

April 15, 2021

Following the April 8, 2021 press release that notified the public of a recent COVID-19 outbreak in the Garfield County Jail several additional, pro-active steps have been implemented.

The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office has been working closely with the County Health Department and the CDPHE to protect the public, the inmates within the Jail, and our staff as well as other law enforcement Officers who must necessarily interface with the Jail.

On Monday April 12, and again on Thursday April 15, the CDHPE sent out their Rapid Response Team to test all Sheriff Personnel as well as all inmates within the jail and personnel from other County Offices who may have been in the building or exposed since March 26, 2021.

Monday’s test resulted in positive tests for one additional Detention’s Deputy as well as two additional inmates of the 97 inmates currently incarcerated.

The Sheriff’s Office has taken steps to quarantine those inmates who have tested positive and will begin offering vaccinations to inmates who choose to be vaccinated effective Friday April 16. Now that a baseline has been established and the extent of the outbreak better known it is time for the next step.

The second round of testing was necessary since COVID-19 can test negative for up to 72 hours after exposure. It also improves the overall accuracy of the testing and provides a better base line from which to work and determine best practices moving forward.

The Glenwood Office of the Sheriff will remain closed to the public at this time. The Office at the Sheriff’s Annex in Rifle (106 County Road 333A….across from the Garfield County Airport) will remain open during regular business hours. All normal office services such as fingerprinting, records requests, VIN inspections, etc. will be provided at the Annex.

The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank everyone for their cooperation and understanding during these difficult times.